Movie Night - October 2021

Our film club’s second edition was a classic: Wall-E. Although the movie was originally made for children, it is the perfect critique of our current society where overconsumption is the norm and where there is more waste than we can manage. With space travelling recently becoming possible for recreational purposes, it is important to remember that earth is still our only home and we won’t be able to survive when it is gone. In the movie, all the waste has not been cleaned up after 500 years, showing us we have one precious earth and action needs to be undertaken fast and soon! The movie brings this to the attention in a nice light way, which was perfect for this time of the semester, since midterms were in full swing. We enjoyed some really nice snacks and saw some lovely faces there.

We cannot wait to see you guys at the film club in November!


Studenten Voor Morgen Assembly


Garden Event