UCRadio - Green Talk

UCRadio is one of the amazing societies UCR has to offer. They bring out a podcast episode every other week with a lot of content you do not want to miss! On their podcast, the Green Office was given a segment of ourselves: Green Talk. Our first Green Talk covered the Global Fridays For Future Climate Strike, where we talked to people who were attending for their take on the issue at hand. In our second Green Talk, which came out at the beginning of week 8, we talked to two of the sustainable businesses in Middelburg, Plantaardig and Koffiepand. We covered their sustainable efforts, their favourite order on the menu/their favourite plant and what item tends to be most popular amongst students. We highly recommend to listen to the UCRadio podcasts and watch out for the next Green Talk, which will cover the COP26!


Plant Workshop


Studenten Voor Morgen Assembly